Mandi standing on a bridge. She's wearing a gray sweater and smiling, and her hair is blowing slightly to the right. It's autumn and there are orange leaves in the background.
A garden with lots of vegetables.
A news article with the headline "Corridor Community Action Network providing free rides to voters"
A group of people write letters around a table.

Endorsed by:

Portrait of Elinor Levin with her child.

“Mandi is the person who sees people in need and figures out the small moves that will help.”

Representative Elinor Levin, Iowa House District 89

Portrait of V Fixmer-Oraiz

“Our county would be incredibly fortunate to have a leader as dedicated and passionate about creating more access to basic rights, such as high-quality affordable housing, medical services, and transportation as Mandi.”

“Johnson County will be best served with Mandi’s election to the Board of Supervisors. What sets her candidacy apart is her willingness to do the work. Supervisor is not a role anyone can walk into and execute at a high level. It takes work. And I’m confident Mandi will do that work, while continuing to live and embody the values we hold dear.”

Portrait of Sikowis

“Mandi is extremely dedicated to bettering our Community and this passion would be an excellent addition to the Board of Supervisors”

Sikowis, MA, Executive Director, Great Plains Action Society

Portrait of Hani Elkadi

“I would like people of her prolific skills and devotion to be in the leadership role in our community”

Hani Elkadi MD, PHD, Former College of Medicine and ICCSD educator

Portrait of Laura Bergus

“Johnson County needs Mandi Remington. She brings personal experience and perspectives that have long been missing from our highest leadership. And her work ethic is unmatched! I’m proud to support Mandi.”

Laura Bergus, Iowa City city council member

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